- Tidal power in Cook Inlet can provide more than 100% of energy needs in the South Central Alaska region. The tidal energy resource potential of Cook Inlet is estimated to be 80 terawatt hours per year (TWh/yr)—this is more than 15 times the present-day electricity consumption of the Alaska Railbelt grid running 700 miles from Fairbanks to Homer.
- East Foreland is considered the premier tidal energy development site in the United States.
- Measured water velocity at East Foreland can reach up to 4 meters per second—that’s approximately 9 miles per hour.
- Tidal energy can play an important role in decarbonizing Alaska’s Railbelt grid with clean, predictable energy.
ORPC is in the initial stages of project assessment and development. Project layout proposal will be included at a later point in project development showing where test turbines would be located, cables would run, the shore station would be located, etc.

- Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) hydrokinetic pilot license
- U.S. Coast Guard private aid to navigation permit
- Alaska Department of Natural Resources state tideland lease
- Kenai Peninsula Borough multi-agency permit
ORPC holds a FERC preliminary permit (P-15116) for development of the East Foreland Tidal Energy Project at the East Foreland site. ORPC applied for a FERC preliminary permit on April 29, 2021, and it was issued by FERC on July 26, 2021. A FERC preliminary permit does not allow ORPC the ability to construct anything at the site, but rather grants ORPC the ability to study the site without competition as well as maintain priority to file a license application with FERC.

Tidal energy group awaits decision on project grant
Overview of ATEP project progress prior to further funding selection
U.S. Department of Energy Invests Nearly $16 Million to Advance Marine Energy in the U.S.
Investment in Tidal Energy Research, Development, and Demonstration Pilot Site and River Current Energy Project Promotes Local Clean Energy Transitions…
Introductory ATEP Webinar
View the recording of the introductory ATEP webinar and download the slide deck. Download the webinar presentation here